Source code for awherepy.fields

A module to access and work with aWhere fields.

import requests as rq
from import json_normalize
import geopandas as gpd
import awherepy as aw

# Define lon/lat columns
FIELD_COORD_COLS = ["centerPoint.longitude", "centerPoint.latitude"]

# Define columns to drop

# Define new column names
    "name": "field_name",
    "acres": "area_acres",
    "farmId": "farm_id",
    "id": "field_id",

# Define CRS (EPSG 4326)
FIELD_CRS = "epsg:4326"

[docs]def get_fields(key, secret, kwargs=None): """ Returns fields (all or individual) associated with an aWhere application. API reference: Parameters ---------- key : str API key for a valid aWhere API application. secret : str API secret for a valid aWhere API application. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments for different query parameters. Running the function without kwargs will use the default values. Arguments include: field_id: str Field ID for a valid aWhere field associated with the input API key/secret. Causes the function to return a single field if the value is not None. If value is None, all fields associated with the API key/secret will be returned. Default value is None. limit: int Number of results in the API response per page. Used with offset kwarg to sort through pages of results (cases where the number of results exceeds the limit per page). Applicable when the number of results exceeds 1. Maximum value is 10. Default value is 10. offset: int Number of results in the API response to skip. Used with limit kwarg to sorts through pages of results (cases where the number of results exceeds the limit per page). Applicable when the number of results exceeds 1. Default value is 0 (start with first result). Returns ------- fields_gdf : geopandas geodataframe Geodataframe containing all fields or an individual field. Example ------- >>> # Imports >>> import os >>> import awherepy as aw >>> import awherepy.fields as awf >>> # Get aWhere API key and secret >>> awhere_api_key = os.environ.get('AWHERE_API_KEY') >>> awhere_api_secret = os.environ.get('AWHERE_API_SECRET') >>> # Get all fields associated with key/secret >>> all_fields = awf.get_fields(awhere_api_key, awhere_api_secret) >>> # Check number of entries in field >>> len(all_fields) 3 >>> # Define kwargs for single field >>> manchester_vt_kwargs = {'field_id': 'Manchester-VT'} >>> # Get a single field >>> manchester_vt_field = awf.get_fields( ... awhere_api_key, awhere_api_secret, kwargs=manchester_vt_kwargs) >>> # Check number of entries >>> len(manchester_vt_field) 1 """ # Define global variables global FIELD_COORD_COLS, FIELD_DROP_COLS, FIELD_RENAME_MAP, FIELD_CRS # Check if credentials are valid if aw.valid_credentials(key, secret): # Check if kwargs is not defined if not kwargs: # Set limit and offset query parameters kwargs = {"limit": 10, "offset": 0} # Define fields api url api_url = "" # Get OAuth token auth_token = aw.get_oauth_token(key, secret) # Set up the HTTP request headers auth_headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}"} # Single field if kwargs.get("field_id"): # Perform the HTTP request to obtain a specific field fields_response = rq.get( f"{api_url}/{kwargs.get('field_id')}", headers=auth_headers ) # All fields else: # Perform the HTTP request to obtain a list of all fields fields_response = rq.get( ( f"{api_url}?limit={kwargs.get('limit')}" f"&offset={kwargs.get('offset')}" ), headers=auth_headers, ) # Convert API response to JSON response = fields_response.json() # Convert JSON to dataframe fields_df = ( json_normalize(response) if kwargs.get("field_id") else json_normalize(response.get("fields")) ) # Prep for geodataframe conversion df_copy = fields_df.copy() # Convert to geodataframe fields_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( df_copy, crs=FIELD_CRS, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy( df_copy[FIELD_COORD_COLS[0]], df_copy[FIELD_COORD_COLS[1]] ), ) # Add lat/lon columns to drop columns list FIELD_DROP_COLS += FIELD_COORD_COLS # Drop columns fields_gdf.drop(columns=FIELD_DROP_COLS, inplace=True, errors="ignore") # Rename columns fields_gdf.rename( columns=FIELD_RENAME_MAP, inplace=True, errors="ignore" ) # Set field ID as index fields_gdf.set_index("field_id", inplace=True) # Invalid credentials else: # Raise error raise ValueError("Invalid aWhere API credentials.") # Return geodataframe return fields_gdf
[docs]def create_field(key, secret, field_info): """Creates a field associated with an aWhere application. API reference: Parameters ---------- key : str API key for a valid aWhere API application. secret : str API secret for a valid aWhere API application. field_info : dict Dictionary containing the information required to create an aWhere field. Can contain the following keys: field_id: str, required ID for the field. This ID is used to reference the field in all applicable aWhere APIs. Can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes. Maximum 50 characters. center_latitude: int or float, required Latitiude (in decimal degrees) of the field center point. center_longitude: int or float, required Longitude (in decimal degrees) of the field center point. farm_id: str, required Name of the farm. Not referenced by any other aWhere APIs. Can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes. Maximum 50 characters. field_name: str, optional Name of the field. Not referenced by any other aWhere APIs. Can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes. Maximum 255 characters. acres: int or float, optional Size of the field in acres. Returns ------- field : geopandas geodataframe Geodataframe containing the newly-created aWhere field. Example ------- >>> # Imports >>> import os >>> import awherepy as aw >>> import awherepy.fields as awf >>> # Get aWhere API key and secret >>> awhere_api_key = os.environ.get('AWHERE_API_KEY') >>> awhere_api_secret = os.environ.get('AWHERE_API_SECRET') >>> # Define field information for Manchester, Vermont >>> manchester_field_info = { ... 'field_id': 'VT-Manchester', ... 'field_name': 'Manchester-Field', ... 'farm_id': 'Manchester-Farm', ... 'center_latitude': 43.1636875, ... 'center_longitude': -73.0723269, ... 'acres': 1 ... } >>> Create field >>> field = awf.create_field( ... api_key, api_secret, field_info=manchester_field_info ... ) Attempting to create field... Created field: VT-Manchester >>> # Check geodataframe index (field id) >>> print(field.index[0]) VT-Manchester >>> # Display field >>> field """ # Check if credentials are valid if aw.valid_credentials(key, secret): # Check field_info object type if not isinstance(field_info, dict): raise TypeError( "Invalid type: 'field_info' must be of type dictionary." ) # Raise errors for missing required parameters if not field_info.get("field_id"): raise KeyError("Missing required field parameter: 'field_id'.") if not field_info.get("center_latitude"): raise KeyError( ("Missing required field parameter: 'center_latitude'.") ) if not field_info.get("center_longitude"): raise KeyError( ("Missing required field parameter: 'center_longitude'.") ) # Raise error if field name already exists if field_info.get("field_id") in get_fields(key, secret).index: raise KeyError("Field name already exists within account.") # Define fields api url api_url = "" # Get OAuth token auth_token = aw.get_oauth_token(key, secret) # Setup the HTTP request headers auth_headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {str(auth_token)}", "Content-Type": "application/json", } # Define request body field_body = { "id": field_info.get("field_id"), "name": field_info.get("field_name"), "farmId": field_info.get("farm_id"), "centerPoint": { "latitude": field_info.get("center_latitude"), "longitude": field_info.get("center_longitude"), }, "acres": field_info.get("acres"), } # Perform the POST request to create Field print("Attempting to create field...") response =, headers=auth_headers, json=field_body) # Check if request succeeded if response.ok: # Get field for output field = get_fields( key, secret, kwargs={"field_id": field_info.get("field_id")} ) # Indicate success print(f"Created field: {field_info.get('field_id')}") else: # Indicate error print("Failed to create field.") # Invalid credentials else: # Raise error raise ValueError("Invalid aWhere API credentials.") # Return created field return field
[docs]def update_field(key, secret, field_info): """Update the field name and/or farm id for a specified field. API reference: Parameters ---------- key : str API key for a valid aWhere API application. secret : str API secret for a valid aWhere API application. field_info : dict Dictionary containing information required to update the field. Must provide an update to field_name or farm_id (cannot make empty update). Can contain the following keys: field_id: str, required Field ID for an existing aWhere field. This identifies the field that will be updated. field_name: str, required if farm_id not specified Updated field name. farm_id: str, required if field_name is not specified Updated farm ID. Returns ------- field : geopandas geodataframe Geodataframe containing the updated aWhere field. Example ------- >>> # Imports >>> import os >>> import awherepy as aw >>> import awherepy.fields as awf >>> # Get aWhere API key and secret >>> awhere_api_key = os.environ.get('AWHERE_API_KEY') >>> awhere_api_secret = os.environ.get('AWHERE_API_SECRET') >>> # Define update parameters for Manchester, Vermont >>> manchester_update_info = { ... 'field_id': 'VT-Manchester', ... 'field_name': 'Manchester-Field-Update', ... 'farm_id': 'Manchester-Farm-Update' ... } >>> # Update the field >>> field_updated = awf.update_field( ... api_key, api_secret, ... field_info=manchester_update_info ... ) Attempting to update field... Updated field: VT-Manchester >>> # Display updated field >>> field_updated """ # Check if credentials are valid if aw.valid_credentials(key, secret): # Check field_info object type if not isinstance(field_info, dict): raise TypeError( "Invalid type: 'field_info' must be of type dictionary." ) # Raise errors for missing required parameters if not field_info.get("field_id"): raise KeyError("Missing required field parameter: 'field_id'.") if not (field_info.get("field_name") or field_info.get("farm_id")): raise KeyError( ( "Missing parameter: must update at least one attribute," "'field_name' or 'farm_id'." ) ) # Raise error if field does not exist if field_info.get("field_id") not in get_fields(key, secret).index: raise KeyError("Field name does not exist within account.") # Define fields api url api_url = "" # Get OAuth token auth_token = aw.get_oauth_token(key, secret) # Setup the HTTP request headers auth_headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}", } # Set up request body # Field name and farm id update if field_info.get("field_name") and field_info.get("farm_id"): field_body = [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/name", "value": field_info.get("field_name"), }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/farmId", "value": field_info.get("farm_id"), }, ] # Field name only update elif field_info.get("field_name") and not field_info.get("farm_id"): field_body = [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/name", "value": field_info.get("field_name"), } ] # Farm id only update elif field_info.get("farm_id") and not field_info.get("field_name"): field_body = [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/farmId", "value": field_info.get("farm_id"), } ] # Perform the HTTP request to update field information print("Attempting to update field...") response = rq.patch( f"{api_url}/{field_info.get('field_id')}", headers=auth_headers, json=field_body, ) # Check if request succeeded if response.ok: # Get field for output field = get_fields( key, secret, kwargs={"field_id": field_info.get("field_id")} ) # Indicate success print(f"Updated field: {field_info.get('field_id')}") else: # Indicate error field = print("Failed to update field.") # Invalid credentials else: # Raise error raise ValueError("Invalid aWhere API credentials.") # Return updated field return field
[docs]def delete_field(key, secret, field_id): """ Deletes a speficied aWhere field. API reference: Parameters ---------- key : str API key for a valid aWhere API application. secret : str API secret for a valid aWhere API application. field_id : str Field ID for an existing aWhere field. This identifies the field that will be deleted from the aWhere application. Returns ------- message : str Output message indicating success or failure for the field deletion. Example ------- >>> # Imports >>> import os >>> import awherepy as aw >>> import awherepy.fields as awf >>> # Get aWhere API key and secret >>> awhere_api_key = os.environ.get('AWHERE_API_KEY') >>> awhere_api_secret = os.environ.get('AWHERE_API_SECRET') >>> # Delete field for Manchester, Vermont >>> awf.delete_field( ... awhere_api_key, awhere_api_secret, field_id='VT-Manchester' ... ) Attempting to delete field... Deleted field: VT-Manchester """ # Check if credentials are valid if aw.valid_credentials(key, secret): # Raise error if field does not exist if field_id not in get_fields(key, secret).index: raise KeyError("Field name does not exist within account.") # Define fields api url api_url = "" # Get OAuth token auth_token = aw.get_oauth_token(key, secret) # Setup the HTTP request headers auth_headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}", } # Perform the POST request to Ddlete the field print("Attempting to delete field...") rq.delete(f"{api_url}/{field_id}", headers=auth_headers) # Check if field exists within account try: get_fields(key, secret, kwargs={"field_id": field_id}) # Catch error if field does not exist (was deleted) except KeyError: message = f"Deleted field: {field_id}" print(message) # If delete did not work else: message = "Could not delete field." print(message) # Invalid credentials else: # Raise error raise ValueError("Invalid aWhere API credentials.") return message