Source code for awherepy.grids

A module to create and work with aWhere grids.

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import rasterio as rio
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterstats as rs

[docs]def create_grid(study_area_path, buffer_distance, cell_size=0.08): """Creates an aWhere-sized grid (0.08 x 0.08 degree, 5 arc-minute x 5 arc-minute grid) fit to a polygon. Parameters ---------- study_area_path : str Path the polygon shapefile boundary. buffer_distance : int or float Buffer size in degrees (WGS 84 CRS). cell_size: int or float Grid size (x and y dimension) in degrees (WGS 84 CRS). Returns ------- study_area_grid_4326: geopandas GeoDataFrame Grid dataframe shaped to the polygon boundary. study_area_4326: geopandas GeoDataFrame Study area boundary projected to WGS 84, EPSG 4326. Example ------- >>> # Import packages >>> import os >>> import awherepy.grids as awg >>> # Define path to shapefile boundary >>> vt_bound_path = os.path.join( ... working_directory, 'shapefiles', 'vermont_state_boundary.shp') >>> # Create aWhere grid >>> vt_grid, vt_bound_4326 = awg.create_grid( ... vt_bound_path, buffer_distance=0.12) >>> # Plot aWhere grid >>> vt_grid.plot(facecolor="none", edgecolor="#984ea3", linewidth=1.5) """ # Read shapefile into geodataframe study_area = gpd.read_file(study_area_path) # Project to WGS 84 Lat/Lon, EPSG 4326 if no CRS match if not == "epsg:4326": study_area_4326 = study_area.to_crs("epsg:4326") else: study_area_4326 = study_area # Create buffer around state boundary study_area_4326_buffer = study_area_4326.buffer(distance=buffer_distance) # Convert buffer from geoseries to geodataframe study_area_4326_buffer_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( study_area_4326_buffer, crs="epsg:4326" ) # Rename geometry column in buffer study_area_4326_buffer_gdf.rename(columns={0: "geometry"}, inplace=True) # Get extent of buffered boundary longitude_min = study_area_4326_buffer_gdf.bounds.minx[0] latitude_min = study_area_4326_buffer_gdf.bounds.miny[0] longitude_max = study_area_4326_buffer_gdf.bounds.maxx[0] latitude_max = study_area_4326_buffer_gdf.bounds.maxy[0] # Create lists for lat/lon extents longitude_vals = np.arange(longitude_min, longitude_max, cell_size) latitude_vals = np.arange(latitude_min, latitude_max, cell_size) # Create grid of polygons based on longitude and latitude ranges grid_polys_list = [ Polygon( [ (longitude, latitude), (longitude + cell_size, latitude), (longitude + cell_size, latitude + cell_size), (longitude, latitude + cell_size), ] ) for longitude in longitude_vals for latitude in latitude_vals ] # Create geodataframe from grid polygons grid_polys_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(crs=4326, geometry=grid_polys_list) # Narrow grid cells to those within the buffered boundary study_area_grid_4326 = gpd.sjoin( grid_polys_gdf, study_area_4326_buffer_gdf, op="within" ) # Drop unnecessary colum study_area_grid_4326.drop(columns="index_right", inplace=True) # Return gridded geodataframe return study_area_grid_4326, study_area_4326
[docs]def extract_centroids(grid): """Extracts the longitude and latitude centroids from a grid of polygons. Parameters ---------- grid : geopandas GeoDataFrame Grid dataframe with polygon geometry. Returns ------- centroid_list: list (of tuples) List containing (longitude, latitude) tuples. Example ------- >>> # Extract centroids >>> vt_grid_centroids = awg.extract_centroids(vt_grid) >>> # Show number of centroids/grid cells >>> len(vt_grid_centroids) 533 >>> # Show first centroid >>> vt_grid_centroids[0] (-73.43784136769847, 43.527012318617274) """ # Create copy of dataframe (avoids altering the original) grid_extract = grid.copy() # Add centroid to each grid cell grid_extract["centroid"] = grid_extract.geometry.apply( lambda poly: poly.centroid ) # Extract latitude and longitude to new columns grid_extract["longitude"] = grid_extract.centroid.apply( lambda point: point.x ) grid_extract["latitude"] = grid_extract.centroid.apply( lambda point: point.y ) # Extract centroid (as tuples) from grid centroid_list = [ (row.longitude, row.latitude) for row in grid_extract.itertuples() ] # Return centroids return centroid_list
[docs]def rasterize(awhere_grid, raster_path, zonal_stats="count sum"): """Rasterizes values from a GeoTiff (or other georeferenced raster) to the aWhere grid (9x9 km). Aggregates the sum by default. Parameters ---------- awhere_grid : geopandas geodataframe Geodataframe containing a grid of aWhere-sized cells, sized to fit a shapefile boundary. raster_path : str Path to the data the will be rasterized. zonal_stats : space-delimited str (optional) Zonal statistics to calculate. Default value is 'count sum'. Returns ------- awhere_grid_rasterized : geopandas geodataframe Input geodataframe with the rasterized values and grid centroids added. Example ------- >>> # Import packages >>> import os >>> import awherepy.grids as awg >>> # Define path to shapefile boundary >>> vt_bound_path = os.path.join( ... working_directory, 'shapefiles', ... vermont_state_boundary.shp') >>> # Create aWhere grid for Vermont >>> vt_grid, vt_bound_4326 = awg.create_grid( ... vt_bound_path, buffer_distance=0.12) >>> # Define path to Vermont 2020 population per pixel >>> vt_pop_path = os.path.join( ... working_directory, 'geotiffs', ... 'vt_ppp_2020.tif') >>> # Rasterize pop data (100x100 m) to aWhere grid (9x9 km) >>> vt_pop_rasterized = awg.rasterize(vt_grid, vt_pop_path) >>> # Display single entry in resulting geodataframe >>> vt_pop_rasterized.loc[1] geometry POLYGON ((-73.4778398510704 43.56701241643375,... centroid POINT (-73.43783985107041 43.60701241643375) count 2759 sum 12.7015 Name: 1, dtype: object """ # Open data for rasterizing with as src: # Extract array and metadata src_arr =, masked=True) src_meta = src.profile # Create copy of input geodataframe awhere_grid_copy = awhere_grid.copy() # Extract zonal stats (list of dictionaries) geojson_list = rs.zonal_stats( awhere_grid_copy, src_arr, nodata=src_meta.get("nodata"), affine=src_meta.get("transform"), geojson_out=True, copy_properties=True, stats=zonal_stats, ) # Convert list to geodataframe awhere_grid_rasterized = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(geojson_list) # Return rasterized geodataframe return awhere_grid_rasterized
[docs]def plot_grid( awhere_grid, study_area, plot_title="aWhere Grid", data_source=None ): """Plots a administrative boundary with the mathching awhere grid. Parameters ---------- awhere_grid : geopandas geodataframe Geodataframe containing a grid of aWhere-sized cells. study_area : geopandas geodataframe Geodataframe containing the study area boundary polygon. plot_title : str Title for the plot. Default value is 'aWhere Grid'. Returns ------- tuple fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure object The figure object associated with the histogram. ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot objects The axes object associated with the histogram. Example ------- >>> # Import packages >>> import os >>> import awherepy.grids as awg >>> # Define path to shapefile boundary >>> vt_bound_path = os.path.join( ... working_directory, 'shapefiles', vermont_state_boundary.shp') >>> # Create aWhere grid >>> vt_grid, vt_bound_4326 = create_grid( ... vt_bound_path, buffer_distance=0.12) >>> # Plot grid and boundary >>> fig, ax = plot_grid(vt_grid, vt_bound_4326) """ # Project to WGS 84 Lat/Lon, EPSG 4326 if no CRS match if not == "epsg:4326": study_area_4326 = study_area.to_crs("epsg:4326") else: study_area_4326 = study_area # Use dark background with"dark_background"): # Define figure and axes fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10)) # Plot awhere grid and study area on same axes awhere_grid.plot( ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="#984ea3", linewidth=1.5 ) study_area_4326.plot( ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="#4daf4a", linewidth=2 ) # Configures axes ax.set_xlabel("Longitude (degrees)", fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel("Latitude (degrees)", fontsize=16) ax.set_title(plot_title, fontsize=20) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="major", labelsize=16) # Add caption if data source included if data_source: fig.text( 0.5, 0.035, f"Data Source: {data_source}", ha="center", fontsize=12, ) # Return figure and axes return fig, ax
[docs]def export_grid(awhere_grid, output_path): """Exports an aWhere grid to the specified file format. Functionality currently supports writing to comma-separated values (.CSV), shapefile (.SHP), geojson (.GEOJSON), geopackage (.GPKG). Parameters ---------- awhere_grid : geopandas geodataframe Geodataframe containing a grid of aWhere-sized cells. output_path : str Path to write the output file (including file name and extension). Returns ------- output_message : str Message indicating successful export (and path) or error. Example ------- >>> # Import packages >>> import os >>> import awherepy.grids as awg >>> # Define path to shapefile boundary >>> vt_bound_path = os.path.join( ... working_directory, 'shapefiles', ... vermont_state_boundary.shp') >>> # Create aWhere grid >>> vt_grid, vt_bound_4326 = awg.create_grid( ... vt_bound_path, buffer_distance=0.12) >>> # Define export path >>> # export_path = os.path.join( ... working_directory, '03-processed-data', ... 'vt_grid.csv') >>> # Export grid to CSV >>> csv_export = awg.export_grid(vt_grid, export_path) vt_grid.csv """ # Determine output folder output_folder = os.path.dirname(output_path) # Raise error if output folder does not exist if not os.path.exists(output_folder): raise OSError("Directory does not exist.") # Extract file extension file_extension = output_path.split(".")[-1] # Define drivers for export drivers = {"shp": "ESRI Shapefile", "geojson": "GeoJSON", "gpkg": "GPKG"} # Check file extension; determine export method if file_extension == "csv": # Write to CSV awhere_grid.to_csv(path_or_buf=output_path, index=False) output_message = output_path elif file_extension.lower() in drivers.keys(): # Write to shp, geojson, or gpkg awhere_grid.to_file(output_path, driver=drivers.get(file_extension)) output_message = output_path else: # Raise error for unsupported file type raise ValueError( f"Invalid output format: .{file_extension}" "\nFormats supported: .csv, .shp, .geojson, and .gpkg" ) # Return output message return output_message