Work with Crops in aWherePy

Learn how to get crop information with aWherePy.

Get Crop Information with aWherePy.


The example below will show you how to use the get_crops() function to get a list of all available crops or a single crop from the aWhere API.

In this vignette, you will first get all crops, and then you will get a single crop by random choice from the list of available crops.

Import Packages

In order to use the functionality in this example, the following packages need to be imported.

import os
import random
import awherepy.crops as awc


In order to make calls to any aWhere API, you must provide a valid API key and secret. The key and secret used in this example are stored as environment variables.

# Define aWhere API key and secret
awhere_api_key = os.environ.get("AWHERE_API_KEY")
awhere_api_secret = os.environ.get("AWHERE_API_SECRET")

Get All Crops

To get a dataframe with all available aWhere crops, you use the get_crops() function with default parameters. This can be useful for cases when you need information about all crops, in the aWhere API, as opposed to a single crop.

# Get all crops
all_crops = awc.get_crops(key=awhere_api_key, secret=awhere_api_secret)

Get a Single Crop

To get a dataframe with a single aWhere crop, you use the get_crops() function and include the specific crop ID. This example selects a random crop ID from the list of all available crops.

# Get single crop
single_crop = awc.get_crops(

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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