Work with Plantings in aWherePy

Learn how to create, get, and delete plantings with aWherePy.

Create, Get, and Delete Plantings with aWherePy


The example below will show you how to use the create_planting(), get_plantings(), and delete_plantings() functions to work with fields in the aWhere API.

In this vignette, you will create an example field located in Manchester, Vermont and add a planting (crop) to the field. You will also get the planting, delete the planting.

Import Packages

In order to use the functionality in this example, the following packages need to be imported.

import os
import awherepy.fields as awf
import awherepy.plantings as awp


In order to make calls to any aWhere API, you must provide a valid API key and secret. The key and secret used in this example are stored as environment variables.

# Define aWhere API key and secret
awhere_api_key = os.environ.get("AWHERE_API_KEY")
awhere_api_secret = os.environ.get("AWHERE_API_SECRET")

Create an aWhere Planting

To create a planting within the aWhere API, you must first create an aWhere field and then add the planting to that field. You can create a field with create_field() function from the awherepy.crops module, and you can then add a planting to that field with the create_planting() function.

# Define field paramaters
field_info = {
    "field_id": "VT-Manchester",
    "field_name": "VT-Manchester-Field",
    "farm_id": "VT-Manchester-Farm",
    "center_latitude": 43.1636875,
    "center_longitude": -73.0723269,
    "acres": 10,

# Create field
    field = awf.create_field(
        awhere_api_key, awhere_api_secret, field_info=field_info

# Delete field if already exists
except KeyError:
        awhere_api_key, awhere_api_secret, field_id=field_info.get("field_id"),

    # Create field again
    field = awf.create_field(
        awhere_api_key, awhere_api_secret, field_info=field_info

# Define planting parameters
planting_info = {
    "crop": "wheat-hardred",
    "planting_date": "2020-05-01",
    "projected_harvest_date": "2020-09-30",
    "projected_yield_amount": 200,
    "projected_yield_units": "boxes",

# Create planting
planting = awp.create_planting(

Get an aWhere Planting

Creating an aWhere field returns the planting in dataframe format when the planting is created. In order to retrieve the planting after it has been created, you can use the get_plantings() function with a specific field ID and planting ID as input parameters. An alternative method to retrieve the planting is to retrieve the current planting by including this in the parameters instead of providing a specific field ID and planting ID. Note that this will retrieve the most recent planting in any field and will only return the planting created above if no other plantings have been created since.

# Get planting
planting = awp.get_plantings(
    awhere_api_key, awhere_api_secret, kwargs={"planting_id": "current"}

Delete an aWhere Planting

If you need to delete a planting, you use the delete_planting() function. If you want to delete a field other than the most recent, you must specify the planting ID in the function parameters. Otherwise, the current planting will be deleted. Also note that all plantings associated with a specific field will be deleted when you delete that field.

# Delete planting
output_message = awp.delete_planting(
    awhere_api_key, awhere_api_secret, field_id="VT-Test"

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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